Vous trouverez ci-dessous des références et autres ressources vous permettant d’approfondir vos connaissances des liens entre innovation numérique et économie sociale et solidaire.
- 1001 startups: Startup news in general
- Alliance: News on digital technologies
- Alternatives Économiques: General economics news, emphasis on ESS.
- Bonjour Idée: News on startups
- Challenges: News on innovation and startups
- L’Usine Digitale: News on digital technologies
- Maddyness: News outlet on entrepreneurship and digital technologies
- Rue 89: News technology and business
- Socialter: News on ESS
- Usbek Rica: News outlet on technology, innovation and ecology
- WeDemain: News outlet on ecology and sustainable development
- European Social Innovation Competition: Event organized by the EU
- DSI Fair: Event organised by CAPSSI
- OuiShare: Regular events on sharing economy in Paris and other cities in Europe.
Social Good Week: DSI week
Organisations publiques
- Digital single market (EU)
- Digital Social Innovation EU (DSI4EU): European project pioneered by UK organisation on DSI NESTA.
- ESS France: Social economy organisation
- EtaLab: Government network on open data
- La French Tech: Support startup
Autres organisations de soutien aux ISN
- Ashoka: Support startup ESS
- org: Support DSI
- Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation (CAPSSI): Platform to support social innovation by the EU ChiC project.
- Convergences: Support sustainability
- Digital Society Forum: Support digital (research and debate forum)
- Esspace: Support ESS
- European Business Awards: Supports EU startups and innovation
- Fing: support DSI
- Forum d’Action Modernites: Support DSI
- France Digitale
- Groupe Sos: Support ESS
- IRI: Support digital innovation
- La Fonda: Support ESS
- La Fonderie: Support DSI
- L’Atelier: Support organisation on ESS
- Paris Pionnieres: Support entreprenurship
- Say yess: Support ESS
- Simplon: Support ESS and digital literacy
Références bibliographiques
References on multi-sided markets
- Evans D.S., Schmalensee R. (2016). Matchmakers, Harvard Business Review Press. link
- Piskorski M.J. (2011). A Social Strategy, Princeton University Press. link
- Rochet J., Tirole J. (2003). Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets. Journal of the European Economic Association 1: 990-1029. https://doi.org/10.1162/154247603322493212
- Parker G.G., Van Alstyne M., Choudary S.P. (2016). Platform Revolution, W.W. Norton & Co. link
References on social innovation
- Avelino F., et al. (2015). Transitions towards new economies: A transformative social innovation perspective. TRANSIT Working Paper n°3. link
- Ayob N., et al. (2016). How Social Innovation ‘Came to Be’: Tracing the Evolution of a Contested Concept. Journal of Social Policy 45(4): 635-653. https://doi.org/10.1017/S004727941600009X
- Cajaiba-Santana G. (2014). Social innovation: Moving the field forward. A conceptual framework. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 82: 42-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2013.05.008
- Grimm R. et al. (2013). Social innovation, an answer to contemporary societal challenges? Locating the concept in theory and practice. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 26(4): 436-455. https://doi.org/10.1080/13511610.2013.848163
- Moulaert F., et al. (Eds.) (2013). The International Handbook on Social Innovation: Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. link
- Mulgan G. (2006). The Process of Social Innovation. Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization 1(2): 145-162. https://doi.org/10.1162/itgg.2006.1.2.145
- Mulgan G., et al. (2007). Social Innovation: What it is, why it matters and how it can be accelerated. Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Working Papers. http://eureka.sbs.ox.ac.uk/761/
- Murray, et al. (2010). The Open Book of Social Innovation. The Young Foundation & NESTA. link
- Nicholls A., A. Murdock (2012). Social Innovation: Blurring Boundaries to Reconfigure Markets. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. link
- Nicholls A., et al. (2015). Introduction: Dimensions of social innovations. In Nicholls A., et al. (Eds.), New Frontiers in Social Innovation Research, Springer, pp. 1-26. link
- Nicholls A., et al. (Eds.) (2015). New Frontiers in Social Innovation Research, Springer. link
- Phills J.A.J., et al. (2008). Rediscovering Social Innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall. link
- Pol E., S. Ville (2009). Social innovation: Buzz word or enduring term? The Journal of Socio-Economics 38(6): 878-885. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socec.2009.02.011
- TEPSIE (2015). Social Innovation Theory and Research: A Summary of the Findings from TEPSIE. Brussels, European Commission (FP7). A deliverable of the project: “The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe” (TEPSIE). https://doi.org/10.1177/1356389018763242
- van der Have R.P., L. Rubalcaba (2016). Social innovation research: An emerging area of innovation studies? Research Policy 45(9): 1923-1935. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2016.06.010
References on the ecological impacts of DSI
- Bahers J.-B., I. Capurso, C. Gossart (2015). Réseaux et environnement : Regards croisés sur les filières de gestion des Déchets d’Équipement Électriques et Électroniques à Toulouse et à Milan. Flux 2015/1(99): 32-46. link
- Desbois D., C. Gossart, et al. (2010). Le développement durable à l’épreuve des TIC. Terminal 106-107. https://journals.openedition.org/terminal/1785
- ÉcoInfo (2012). Impacts écologiques des TIC : Les faces cachées de l’immatérialité. Les Ulis, EDP Sciences. https://journals.openedition.org/terminal/605
- Gossart C. (2009). De l’exportation des maux écologiques à l’ère du numérique. Mouvements 60: 23-28. link
- Gossart C. (2015). Rebound Effects and ICT: A Review of the Literature. In ICT Innovations for Sustainability. L. M. Hilty and B. Aebischer (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, pp. 435-448. link
- Gossart C. (2016). Planetary Boundaries and innovation: What role for ICT in defining a safe operating space for humanity? Article présenté lors de la conférence Innovation Forum VII (Session 17), Paris. link
- Gossart C., R. Garello (2015). Technologies numériques et environnement. Revue de l’électricité et de l’électronique 4: 39-44. link
- Soete L. (2011). Science, technology and innovation: From creative destruction to destructive creation. The 15th Marie Jahoda Annual Lecture, SPRU, University of Sussex. link