Version française ci-après
We are currently working on a participatory action research project with Plateformes en Communs.
Platform cooperativism is a social movement supporting democratic governance values in digital platforms. Many exciting developments are taking place around the world… Check it out on wikipedia…
Some introductory articles in the media:
- Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy, Trebor Scholz
- Platform Cooperativism on the Blockchain, Nathan Schneider
- A Shareable Explainer: What is a Platform Co-op? Mai Suttons
- A New Wrinkle in the Gig Economy: Workers Get Most of the Money
- With ‘Gigs’ Instead of Jobs, Workers Bear New Burdens
- A Toulouse: la première expérience concrète anti-Deliveroo
- The New Cooperatives: the case of Fairmondo
- Vers des plateformes réellement coopératives
- Want to Hire a Worker-Owned Co-op? There’s an App for That
Some platform cooperatives:
Check out this page in the future for more resources and information on our project.
Nous menons actuellement un projet de recherche-action avec le réseau Plateformes en Communs.
Le coopérativisme de plateforme est un mouvement social qui promeut la gouvernance démocratique des plateformes numériques. De nombreuses initiatives fascinantes émergent au quatre coins du globe… Pour en savoir plus…
Quelques articles de presse:
- Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy, Trebor Scholz
- Platform Cooperativism on the Blockchain, Nathan Schneider
- A Shareable Explainer: What is a Platform Co-op? Mai Suttons
- A New Wrinkle in the Gig Economy: Workers Get Most of the Money
- With ‘Gigs’ Instead of Jobs, Workers Bear New Burdens
- A Toulouse: la première expérience concrète anti-Deliveroo
- The New Cooperatives: the case of Fairmondo
- Vers des plateformes réellement coopératives
- Want to Hire a Worker-Owned Co-op? There’s an App for That
Quelques exemples de plateformes coopératives:
Revenez sur cette page, nous y mettrons prochainement de nouvelles informations sur notre projet.